Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 7

Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 7th Edition.

Beloved Saints, 

Thank God for love! This morning I was roused from my meditations by a call from the gateman. Someone had left a care package at the gate for me. It brought to mind the love that has been demonstrated to me and Theresa, these past seven days. I posted on the first day, last Sunday, that one could call me for prayer and counsel, but I have received numerous calls and texts, not asking for my help, but rather wanting to know if I needed any. I have been asked not once or twice, do you have enough food? Is there anything you need? We’re praying for you. And I say, the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Welcome to our 7th edition of our series. Yesterday, we saw in Psalm 121:6 that God has promised us bumper to bumper cover, 24/7. Today we look at verse 7(How’s that, 7th day, 7th verse!). The first part says, “The Lord shall preserve you from all evil.” This is a great word of comfort, in the face of a very real threat to our lives and well-being. Many have used such promises as this one, to falsely assure believers that Corona will not touch them. This is the problem of failing to understand the import of God’s word, his promises and his ultimate plan for us.

First things first, the preservation promised here is for those who are in the Lord. Going to church (please do, when we reopen), serving in the various ministries of the church (and I encourage you to do so, enthusiastically), giving and tithing (Hey, please DO! Especially now, when there is such widespread need) and any number of good things one can do, do not make one a child of God. One must surrender one’s life to Jesus, believing oneself a sinner, and that Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins.

This act of faith is what saves you and brings you into the family of God. To such, the promise of preservation is made, against all evil. That doesn’t mean we will not suffer or die, rather, it means that this can only happen when God has permitted it, and that only when he receives greater glory through our suffering and death. We should not go about with a super hero mentality, ignoring the counsel of public health officials, but neither should we stand, petrified by fear.

This is because the second part of the verse states clearly; “He shall preserve your soul.” If we die, we do not perish. The apostle Paul wrote, “To be absent from the body [is ] to be present with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8). Death is not the end for the believer, but a transition, so do not fear. In any case, you’re going nowhere, unless the Lord says so. A line in the hymn “My Jesus I Love Thee” comes to mind:”I loved Thee in life I will love Thee in death.” Love God and live for him with everything you’ve got. Throw yourself into his service like there’s no tomorrow. And when he calls you home, what a triumph that will be!

Your loving Pastor Chris.