Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 12th Edition.
Dear Chosen People of the New Covenant,
Welcome to our 12th. Edition, which, of course, coincides with my 12th day in confinement. It feels like Paul’s house imprisonment in Rome, save for the absence of a guard (I wouldn’t consider my wife one). There’s another difference – whereas Paul saw the good in his situation, I – and I suspect you also, are trying to see the good or make it good. The failure to see God in any and every situation is indicative of our low sensitivity to him and his Spirit. Pray with me that I, and you also, will be more sensitive to his presence.
Yesterday, we saw in Philippians 1:6, Paul’s confidence in God’s ability to see our sanctification through. Today, we look at verses 7&8. The first part of verse 7 goes with verse 8. Paul expresses his positive perception of the Philippians and his longing for them. Paul is not one of those “Out of sight, out of mind” fellows who forget you as soon as you are out the door.
He longs for his friends and the longing is genuine. If you find yourself not caring about those you are now separated from, ask how sincere your love is. Paul loved the people in the churches he had founded, even the ones that gave him a headache, like Corinth and Galatia – in fact, his pain was greater because of his love. But he singles out the Philippians in the second half of verse 7, as partners with him in his imprisonment and apologetic (defense of the faith) task. We can endear ourselves to another through genuine interest and support.
Let us not just praise the good work of a servant of God. Let us also diligently pray for him, encourage him and see to his needs. The gratitude of Paul translates to a form of blessing, as we shall see in chapter 4, not because the Philippians were after the blessing, but because the practical expression of love yields blessing. Could we try a different approach than what many preachers are advocating? Give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Your loving Pastor Chris.