Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 21

Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 21st. Edition.

Dear Pilgrims and Sojourners, 

Today we take a break from our response to End Time questions and return to our meditations in Philippians. When we deviated six days ago, we had dispensed with chapter 1 verse 13. We continue today with verses 14-18. In this passage Paul says that his imprisonment and continued proclamation of the gospel, while in confinement, has emboldened two very different groups of evangelists; the first group, and ironically, the one Paul spends more time on, is those who “Preach Christ… from envy and strife; from selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing to add affliction to [Paul’s] chains.” The second group preaches the gospel “From goodwill; out of love, knowing that [Paul was] appointed for the defense of the gospel.”Interestingly, Paul does not condemn one and commend the other!

What is important to him is that both groups are preaching the gospel, regardless of the motives, and that brings him joy. Obviously, the one group would have endeared itself to him, that preached the gospel out of love. However, the task is too great and the time too short, for preoccupation with squabbles. As long as the true gospel is preached (not some fake substitute), let it be preached. This does not excuse the bad motives of those who preach with ulterior intent, but that is for God to deal with, not Paul.

This reminds me of a preacher who gave an interesting illustration while preaching at a youth rally in my high school years. He likened some preachers to signboards. You can follow the directions on a signboard and get where you are going. However, that signboard may never have been to where it directed you! Likewise, some preachers who lead people to Christ have never been saved. We all know great preachers who proved fake. Some of us may have been saved through their ministry, even been baptized by them. That they are now shown to be false does not invalidate the truth they preached earlier.

Even those who now preach the true gospel but out of selfishness, we should leave be. God will catch up with them but in the meantime, people get saved.

Your loving Pastor Chris.