Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 36

Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 36th Edition.

Dear Members of the Household of Faith, 

Yesterday we saw in Philippians 4:4-7, the secret of peace and joy. We continue today with verses 8-9. There are two key thoughts in this passage;  Imagination (verse 8). It is said often enough, “As a man thinks, so is he.” The attitudes of the heart are what determines one’s actions. We can choose the outcome of our lives by choosing our values and living by them. Bad relationships are often the result of negative attitudes on our part, not necessarily the attitudes and actions of others. I cannot entertain sinful thoughts and expect to live a holy life. We are therefore encouraged to choose virtuous thoughts and saturate our minds with such.  

Imitation (verse 9). One of the most effective ways to learn is the example of others. The disciples spent three and a half years with Jesus. When two of them appeared before the leaders of Israel later, the leaders “recognised that they had been with Jesus.” The Holy Spirit teaches each believer, but we must never ignore the experience, insights and wisdom of those who have walked closer, longer, with Christ. The example of a leader is important. This also means that we should view with suspicion, even distrust, leaders who “preach water but drink wine.” A leader should be someone who can be imitated.

Your loving Pastor Chris.