Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 55th. Edition.
Dear People Who Are God’s own Possession,
We continue today with the intrigues of controlling the tongue (James 3:7-12). In this passage, we see Control of creatures that are naturally wild (v 7). James mentions all three environments in which all fauna live – land, air, and sea, to show how comprehensive man’s ability to tame creatures is. Beasts, birds, and sea creatures have and can be tamed. While we are not lacking in such abilities, we are incapacitated when it comes to the tongue. Here, we get Curses where we Would Expect Blessing (vv. 8-10). The fallacy of it all should be quite obvious. How can we bless God and in the same breath curse his image? If we curse others, who are made in the image of God, are we not cursing the image of God? How then can we even purport to bless him?
This demonstrates Contradictions where we Should See Harmony (vv. 11-12). A Freshwater spring that brings forth saltwater (v. 11). This is simply absurd, but we seem willing to live with it, otherwise, why would one lift one’s voice up in worship one minute and in the next, lift the same voice up in a tirade of curses? A Fig tree that yields olives and a vine that yields figs (v. 12). A tree yields its own fruit. This self-same illustration is used by Jesus in Matthew 7:15-20 when he warns against false prophets. All one has to do, to get the fruit one wants, is going to the right tree. If we find mangoes on a tree that claims to be orange, we know that the tree is lying, it is a mango tree. The simple lesson James wants us to learn goes back to the statement, “Faith without works is dead,” (2:17). Claims that are not supported by action are simply lies.
That means that we cannot ignore our toxic tongues and say, “That is just the way I am.” If you say that, you are admitting that you are not a believer.
Your loving Pastor Chris