Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 62nd. Edition.
Dear Heirs of the Kingdom,
Our passage today (James 4:17) is intriguing in its positioning. The previous passage talks about the sovereignty of God in all events and times and seems to trigger today’s theme with the sanction against boasting. But this passage also seems to introduce hoarding wealth and its consequences, which we will look at tomorrow.
Aware: The address is “To him who knows to do good…” The fact of the matter is, we all know what is good to do. When we encounter need, we have no need for anyone to teach or inform us. A needy person does not have to be the subject of a thesis and investigation. In this day of extraordinary circumstances, the glaring needs of many are such that it is impossible to avoid them.
Aloof: Knowing there is a need and failing to address it, for whatever reason, is sheer aloofness since ignorance of the situation cannot be feigned. We can easily say, “It’s none of my business.” Or we could pass the buck and say that the government, the church (whoever we think that is), social services, charitable organizations – the list is endless, should help the needy. But speaking thus is playing the “Cain Card.” Cain asked, “am I my brother’s keeper?” The answer to that question is, YES! We cannot escape responsibility for others, we cannot pass the buck.
Accused: We stand accused of sinning against God by refusing to love our neighbour as ourselves. Sins of omission are as evil as sins of commission. Jesus spoke powerfully to this when he taught that in the judgment of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:31-46), feeding the hungry, housing strangers, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and those in prison, is all to him. Again, love for God is demonstrated through love for the neighbor. The greatest commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) – to love the Lord with all one’s being, is demonstrated in loving one’s neighbor as oneself. We cannot hide behind any rationalization of the situation – whether it is the claim that some of the needy are con people, or that it is the responsibility of others.
The present situation has given us an opportunity to showcase the love of God. Let us not waste it.
Your Loving Pastor Chris.