Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 68th. Edition.
Dear People Who Are Ambassadors of the Risen Saviour,
In today’s passage (James 5:12) we are taken back to the issue of speech and the tongue. By now, the references and repetitions on this matter should tell us that this is a central theme of this letter and should be taken seriously. We should avoid Fallacious Swearing. This echoes the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:33-37. Swearing is a solemn promise to fulfill whatever is promised. There are two problems with such an oath.
One, it is an Infringement in God’s domain. In swearing, we assume responsibility to make good a promise. But we do not control time and events, not even our own. In the Bible, there are examples of foolish oaths. Read Judges 11:30-35 and 1 Samuel 14:24-30 for two incidences that bring this point home. You can make an oath with good intentions but the power to make it good is not in your hands. Better not to. But in an oath is also an Insinuation of irresponsibility. We are subtly suggesting that we are not obliged to fulfill what we have not sworn to. This erodes our integrity and lowers our standing before others.
For this reason, we should stick to Factual Speech. Our yes or no should be enough and we should be obligated to make our word good, to the best of our ability. This does not necessarily mean that swearing-in court is unchristian.
It is a promise, to tell the truth, and should not be required of a Christian by other Christians, but a court is a secular institution that demands the right to punish, in case of perjury.
But whether on oath or not, telling the truth is the only option for a believer. So quit swearing by your grandmother’s grave, it is a very grave offense to God.
Your loving Pastor Chris.