Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 105th. Edition.
Dear Aliens and Strangers in this World,
Our passage today (2 John 12-13) concludes 2, John, for us. In it, we learn of John’s
Expectation of Congregation (v. 12). He hopes to travel to the church, wherever it is, and take more time to teach them. That there was need is not in doubt. With false teachers threatening to derail Christians from the true gospel, every effort needed to be made, to encourage the believers to stay on “The straight and narrow.” This letter serves as advance notice of the intended visit and the ensuing congregation of the Christians, to sit at the feet of the Apostle, for further teaching.
Expression of Communion (v. 13). The simple conveyance of greetings from another congregation here called an “elect sister,” suggests that churches were in close fellowship with one another. It also may imply that John was on an itinerary, visiting several churches and that 2 John was written while at one church, about to visit another. It has been proffered by some that the churches in question here are the seven churches of Revelation 2-3, which seem to have been dear to John.
Whatever the case, the simple greetings are indicative of the desire of one community of believers to be in fellowship with another. Because congregations, like individual believers, have diverse strengths and even gifts, we all can benefit from interacting and sharing that wealth with one another.
Don’t maroon yourselves in a congregational cocoon. We all need each other.
Your Loving Pastor.