Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 112th. Edition.
Dear Pilgrims of the Dispersion,
Today’s passage (1 Peter 1:6-7) continues with the idea of hope of salvation that we saw in verse 5.
Grief (v. 6). Peter encourages believers to rejoice in the hope of salvation, despite the grief they have to endure because of “various trials.” Trials will come, that is a given. They will cause us pain, which is also a given. Nevertheless, we should not sulk at a corner indulge in a self-pity party. Despite the pain of trials, we have reason to rejoice.
The Genuineness of our faith (v. 7a) is best brought out by trial. The comparison with gold, the metal that we saw does not tarnish, is appropriate. Gold is often mixed with impurities in it. To purify it, goldsmiths would heat the ore in a crucible until it melted. The impurities in the gold would usually float in the form of sludge and be scooped away, leaving pure gold. Our faith, more precious than gold, is purified in the fire of trial. Christians of Peter’s time were often in danger of being put to death for their faith. Peter says they should not be fazed by that, because it is a purification process for their faith!
Glory (v. 7b). Peter does not expect the faith of believers to fail the test of fire. He expects it rather, to bounce back stronger and in praise, honor, and glory to the savior when he is revealed. Faith that buckles under trial is not true faith. This is not to say that we cannot have genuine questions when we go through a trial. If it is gold, the fire will not destroy it.
Your Loving Pastor Chris.