Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistle 117

Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 117th. Edition.

Dear Saints Who Were Chosen Before the Foundation of the World,

 In today’s passage (1 Peter 1:20-21), Peter continues in his encouragement of suffering believers by showing that the plan of salvation was not incidental, that in fact, it was the plan of God from before time began.  

Predestined (v. 20a). The incarnation (which literally means Christ taking on a human body but is better understood as Christ taking on human nature) and the whole plan of salvation were foreordained by God before creation. This concept is intriguing because it means God knew the outcome of the lives of Adam and Eve – all of humanity, even, before he created anything. The discussion on whether God caused the events of Genesis 3 or not belongs to another forum. But let it suffice here to say that God knew it before he laid the world stage, that mankind would sin, and made plans for our salvation, alongside our creation. This can be taken further: 

Positioned (vv. 20b-21). Christ has been revealed to us who believe in God through him. He came when he did by the eternal plan of God. Paul clarifies this when he says that God “chose us in him [Christ] before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4). So we have been placed in Christ in the present, but we were chosen prior. The resurrection and glorification of Christ are to help us with focus so that we can believe that our salvation is the plan of God. One could extrapolate and say that even our suffering is no surprise. Our salvation is a package, and that package includes suffering.
Take courage if you suffer for Christ. He knew it would happen. And as we will see later, plans for triumph are also in place.

Your Loving Pastor Chris.