Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 122

Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 122nd. Edition.

Dear People who Are a Chosen Generation,

We concluded the previous passage with some bad news: Some people stumble because that is what they were appointed to. They will disobey the word. But we are not like them. In today’s passage (1 Peter 2:9-10), Peter makes it clear that believers are the exact antithesis of the lot that rejects Christ.
Whereas they were “appointed” to their miserable, rebellious lot, we are Chosen (v. 9). The people of God have been placed in a  Privileged Position. First, because we are a chosen generation. God has picked us from the rest of the world, that we might be his. Secondly, we are a royal priesthood. The world needs a priest to represent it to God. Not only are we privileged to access the presence of God, our priesthood is royal, meaning that we combine royalty with access to God. Just in case we are dejected by the persecution and suffering around us, let us remember that we belong to a kingly priesthood.
Thirdly, we are a holy nation. God has set us apart for himself, the way he set Israel apart and lastly, we are God’s own special people. We are his preferred company! This is so that we may  Proclaim his Praises. God rescued us from darkness and brought us into his marvelous light. Our purpose in life is to proclaim this wonderful news.

 Converted (v. 10). God has completely overhauled our standing before him. There was a time when we had no identity. Now, God has given us his own identity. There was a time when we were under the wrath of God, now we are recipients of his mercy. If anyone could claim to be favored by God, we can. So we ought never to live as though our lives are “ordinary”. There is no “ordinary” Christian.
A person that God’s son died for, who is chosen, a royal priesthood, God’s special possession, would we dare call that ordinary? You are special. Live up to it.

Your Loving Pastor Chris.