Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 203

The Limitations of Childhood. Galatians 4:1-3.

Dear Strangers and Aliens, 

The discussion on the law as a tutor continues, but we turn now to the limitations such an arrangement places on the minor in question. This first part deals with the limitations while the next will deal with the release. 

 Slave Status (v. 1). An heir is the owner and master of the father’s household and property. However, while still a child, the status of the heir is no different from that of the slaves of the household. He is ordered around and he himself orders no one around. Decisions are made for him and he has to follow the rules. 

 Submission to Stewards (v. 2). A father appoints guardians and stewards to supervise the heir. The supervisors have a term limit, one that is set by the father. Until that appointed time, the heir is under the authority of people who will later be subordinate to him. It goes without saying that this is a necessary state of affairs, but no heir would want to remain under stewards once he attained the age of majority set by his father. He should be eagerly anticipating the day. 

 Similar State (v. 3). As people under the law, we were “children.” We were placed under the authority of the law, much like a child under a guardian and steward. 
Paul introduces an interesting phrase here, “elements of the world.” This implies that being under the law is really being at the mercy of the world. This becomes obvious when one considers the fact that it is impossible for one to keep the whole law perfectly. Once one fails and becomes a lawbreaker, one is under the condemnation of the law and therefore at the mercy of the world. Put simply it is not a good place to be. It had a purpose but once that purpose has been accomplished, one should be in a hurry to get out. 

Your Loving Pastor Chris.