A Special Calling. Galatians 5:13-15.
Dear Ambassadors of the Risen Christ,
Often, we fail to appreciate how fortunate we are to have been chosen by God for salvation. The nature of our salvation is such as even “angels desire to look into” (1 Peter 1:12). Part of the reason we are easily misled and swayed from the truth is our failure to appreciate that ours is a “great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3). Paul draws our attention to some of the special aspects.
Called to Liberty (v. 13a). Jesus died and rose again that he might set us free from bondage to sin. But what we need to appreciate is that Jesus did not set us free from the bondage of sin in order to bind us to the law. That would not be true freedom. No shackles should take the place of those that have been broken.
Called to Love (vv. 13b -15). Our freedom is not and should never be taken as a license to sin. That would be a mockery of the whole idea of being set free from the bondage of sin. We should seize the opportunity instead, to love one another because in so doing, we fulfill the law, because loving one’s neighbor as oneself is the fulfillment of the whole law. You may recall Jesus’ statement in response to the lawyer’s question about the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:35-40).
That Paul picks the second of the great commandments maybe because it is the only one that can be demonstrated. In any case, love for God is seen in love for the neighbor. With Paul’s instruction also comes a warning, that the Galatians do not “bite and devour one another.” This is probably a popular expression of the time, the meaning of which is not clear. From the context, it is the opposite of love and may mean speaking evil of another, much like the English phrase “backbiting.”Love is active. We are either doing something to show love, or we are not. Both indifference and active evil actions are negations of love.
In a sense, Paul is saying that in view of the challenges the Christians are facing, their love should be seen in action, because that is evidence of being in Christ (John 13:34-35)
Your Loving Pastor Chris.