Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 265

Retribution. 2 Thessalonians 1:8-10.

Dear Family, 

In this second part of the passage on the coming judgment, we focus on the fate of those who ignore and reject Christ.

Drama (v. 8). When Christ appears, it will not be some secret event, quietly executed. The picture is one of a conquering General, sweeping the stage with his armies and torching the dwellings of his enemies. There is a sense in which the apostle is saying to the Christians; now you cower, even hide, then you will march victorious, as your tormentors cower. 

 Destruction (v. 9a). The reference to eternal destruction here does not necessarily mean obliteration. The New Testament is replete with warnings that the wicked will suffer consciously for eternity (Revelation 20:10,15; Luke 16:19-31). The quality of existence, or rather the absence of it, can be equated with ruin and destruction. We catch a glimpse of this kind of destruction in lives that have been ruined by alcohol and drugs. There is a sense in which some people are experiencing hell on earth. 

 Deportation (v. 9b). One of the the worst things about hell is the total alienation from God. The presence of God is life, absence, death. To be alone in utter darkness when one could have been in the presence of God and his glory is the greatest regret. 

 Display (v. 10). The picture of the Lord’s return is one of a victorious commander who comes home with fanfare and glory. People line the streets to marvel at the glorious parade and praise their victor. How different from the present state of the Thessalonian believers! So Paul is saying, Take heart, we will have the last laugh. We will soon join the victor’s parade. 

Your Loving Pastor Chris.