Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 336

Avoid Quarreling. 2 Timothy 2:14.
Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words. It is of no value and only ruins those who listen. 

Dear Citizens of the New Jerusalem, 

It seems that the people of Ephesus were facing a challenge in their relationships, one that was caused by unnecessary arguments. Paul wanted Timothy to tackle the situation. 

 Reminder. The Christians had been taught by Paul and others. But the tendency to drift away from the disciplines one has been taught necessitates constant reminders, so Paul encourages Timothy to “keep reminding” the Christians. 

 Rebuke. Some people were fond of arguing. It is possible that they would take a word or words of scripture, and assign some meaning to the words that were not the standard, or more likely, they were claiming interpretive insights. Some Christians would most likely have disputed with them over such claims. 

Relevance Some arguments are pointless. No one gains from them and those who listen are ruined by the disputes. It is best to let some people speak their nonsense and leave it at that, unless they are misleading the faithful. I is difficult, but let it go. 

Your Loving Pastor Chris.