Standards for Elders: Family.Titus 1:6.
If anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination.
Dear Saints,
Paul now lays out the qualifications for elders that he had earlier given to Titus and which he repeats here. They are similar to those given in 1 Timothy but not exactly the same. This tells us that neither list is comprehensive and that these should be used as indicators. We are not to assume that what is omitted is game!
Blameless (v. 6a). The elder is to be “above reproach” and “the husband of one wife.” Commitment to one wife does not just save one from domestic strife, it also gains one the respect of others.
Believing Children (v. 6b). The word translated believing also means faithful. While no parent can ensure that his children believe, he can ensure that they are. Behaving Children. Children here would also mean those that are still under the roof and authority of the parents and not adult children living on their own. These children must not reckless in their behavior or disobedient. People often argue that children make their own decisions and parents should not be held accountable for the actions of children.
The Bible holds parents accountable. We need not belabor the point, but one’s children can disqualify one from public ministry.
Your Loving Pastor Chris.