Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles Vol 2:10

Our Horrid Past.Titus 3:3.

For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others, and hating one another. 

Dear Soldiers in the Lord’s Army, 

One of the things that Paul keeps reminding us of in his letters is the hopeless condition of those who are not in Christ. Here, he shows that Christians were just as sinful as the rest of men. 

 Misguided (v. 3a). The reason any of us is led astray into disobedient is that we are foolish. Wisdom calls for the avoidance of danger and unnecessary risk-taking. A person who sins with abandon, without regard to the consequences, is foolish and misguided. 

 Misbehaving (v. 3b). Human nature easily lends itself to addiction to vices. The passions of the sinful nature that we indulge in enslave us so that we can no longer say no to vice. What was once pleasure now becomes a pain. Sin is no one’s friend. 

 Malicious (v. 3c). Sinful human nature seeks self-glory at the expense of healthy relationships. We envy others and wish them ill, while they do the same. The result is passionate, mutual hate. This spills over into tribalism, racism, and all manner of attitudes that exclude others and use those we can for gain. Humanity without God is an ugly mess. 

Your Loving Pastor Chris.