Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles Vol 2:17

Gratitude.Philemon 4-6.

I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, Because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints, And I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ. 

Dear Ambassadors of the King of Kings, 

We can borrow a leaf from the apostle Paul. In practically all his letters (Galatians being the glaring exception), he both prays and thanks to God for the people he writes to. This is because the apostle’s disposition is one of prayerfulness and gratitude. It does not mean that everything is as he wants it – that he cannot control, but his attitude is something he can. 

 Prayer (v. 4). For Paul, prayer was a way of life. When one understands the power of God and the effectiveness of prayer in unleashing that power, prayer becomes a compelling necessity. In his prayers, Paul begins with thanksgiving, because an attitude of gratitude is beatitude. 

 Praise (v. 5). The reason for Paul’s thanksgiving is the good news Paul has received of Philemon’s devotion to the Lord and to the Christian fellowship. The two ought to go together, so if one loves the Lord, one ought also to love other believers. 

 Petition (v. 6). Paul prays that Philemon’s sharing of his faith – and this does not mean preaching but rather, the expression of Christian love through kindness, patience, and goodness – may result in a more comprehensive understanding of the faith, never forgetting that everything we do ought to be for the glory of our Lord Jesus. It is worthy of note that Paul says “every good thing that is in us,” because God has put in our hearts his goodness. Does it show in you? 

Your Loving Pastor Chris.