Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 352.

Be Different2 Timothy 4:5.

As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. 

Dear Servants of the Most High, 

The world around us may be unraveling at the seams. That should not affect our commitment to God. In fact, it should be cause for even greater commitment. Paul calls upon Timothy to be different from the rebellious generation around him. 

 Sobriety (v. 5a). With people preferring entertainment and platitudes, it is easy to be tempted to join the bandwagon. Paul says no, be level-headed. Let the madness go on around you but you keep your head on your shoulders. Populist preaching has a lot of followers but it tends to make people enthusiastic, yet without substance. There is no transformation in the inner person just a lot of positive talk that is not accompanied by godly living. Be sober-minded, look beyond the enthusiastic cliches.

Suffering (v. 5b). The prospect of suffering was very real in Paul’s time. He was in prison, about to be executed. Timothy was serving in an environment that was hostile to the gospel and in which Christians were killed for no other crime than their faith. Even today, many Christians in the Middle East, South East Asia, and as close to some of us as Sudan, are often called upon to suffer and even die for their faith. The threat of persecution is never far. Readiness to suffer for the faith should be for every Christian. 

 Service (v. 5c).Persecution or not, the work of the Kingdom must go on. Timothy is to fulfill his ministry by not only teaching, rebuking, reproving, and exhorting believers, he is to stick his neck out where it is not safe and evangelize the unbelievers. It is easier and safer to stay in our comfort zone, but very little would have been accomplished if the apostles had stayed in their comfort zone. “Go make disciples” (Matthew 28:19).

Your Loving Pastor Chris.