Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 48th. Edition.
Dear Chosen Generation,
Yesterday we saw in James 1:22-25, the need to be doers of the word. Today we look at verses 26-27. In this portion, James says true religion is marked by three things: Bridling the tongue (v. 26). A bridle is used to control a horse. It consists of a bit, which is attached to the side of the mouth. To the bit is attached a leather strap, called a rein. There is a bridle on each side of the mouth. The rider holds the reins and by pulling or relaxing, is able to control the horse. We are instructed to bridle the tongue. Like a horse, the tongue is powerful and can run wild. What we say can easily destroy, so control is of utmost importance. Control of the tongue is also a good gauge of general self-control, for “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks,” (Luke 6:45).
Benevolence (v. 27a). Visiting “orphans and widows in their trouble” implies helping them out of their trouble. Jesus was very partial to the poor. While people may be poor, partly because of their own actions – laziness, for instance, it is not our place to judge. I know we have also been conned by “professional beggars,” but it is better to be conned than to leave the genuine needy in their destitution. In any case, the conmen are chance encounters. In the majority of cases, we know the poor among us, and it is to those that most of our attention should be focused on. Blamelessness (v. 27b). The word “unspotted,” also translated, “unstained,” depicts the sacrificial lamb that was to be “perfect, without blemish.” We are in the world and interact with people of the world constantly. But we must always “keep a social distance” from the world. We must be consciously alert to the danger of contamination.
The reason so many Christians are involved in corruption and other sinful practices are that we have let our guard down. “Therefore come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean,” (2 Corinthians 6:17; cf. Isaiah 52:11).
Your Loving Pastor Chris.