Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 61st. Edition.
Dear Elect of God,
In our passage today (James 4:13-16) we see the folly of excluding God in our plans. Presumption (vv. 13, 16). James addresses people who confidently say, “We will do this or the other.” The context is one of business – buying, selling, and making profits, probably because he has in mind a particular group of people. But the concept applies to any plans and declarations that do not take God and his will into account. Such boastful arrogance is evil, says James.
We need to see that the outcome of plans that exclude God is ultimately evil. Remember verses 1-3? Selfish motives bring about fights, covetousness, and murder. The very attitude of excluding God is evil because it fosters independence that eschews accountability. And this presents a major problem (v. 14) because it is the path of the rich fool (Luke 12:16-21). If we forget that God holds the remote that controls life, we are in for unpleasant surprises. Our very life is like a vapor, now you see it, now you don’t.
You may remember the arrogant statements of some politicians earlier in the year. Then COVID-19 came along and all went quiet. Or you may remember the confident proclamations of some pastors, declaring 2019 to be the year of this or other blessings. Some of us may have foolishly shouted, “I receive!” Well, presumptuous prophetic pronouncements can be just as evil as the arrogance of politicians and business people. When you ignore God, you set yourself up for a big crash; remember the foolish builder (Matthew 7:26-27)?
Life calls for Prudence (v. 15). Anyone who knows which side his bread is buttered will give room to God and his will. When we acknowledge God, we also put our plans in his hands. When God is in control of plans, the outcome can never be bad, even if the plans do not succeed. They will fail only if God has something better for us because he will ensure that everything yields well for his children (Romans 8:28).
Make plans, because if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. But put God at the center of those plans.
Your loving Pastor Chris.