Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 74

Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 74th. Edition.

Dear Pilgrims and Sojourners,

Yesterday we saw the folly of denial. In today’s passage (1 John 2:1-2), we see God’s provision, against our guilt.  The Ideal (v. 1a). At the time of writing this letter, John was an old man, so practically everyone was a “child” to him. But his use of “children” and “little children” throughout this letter, also communicates the fact of his role as a spiritual parent, and his affection for the Christians. He says the reason for writing is so that no one would sin.

This is the ideal situation and God’s desire for each one of us. Sin is very destructive. If we can keep a “social distance” from sin, it is for the best. However, we are wont to ignore good advice and indulge ourselves.  The Ordeal (v 1b). “And if anyone sins” suggests that good advice has been disregarded and one is now facing the painful ordeal of the after-effects of sin. Sin looks so attractive and inviting, that we are tempted to fault God for forbidding it.
Until we yield and the chickens begin coming home to roost. Guilt can be psychologically and physically debilitating. One is often left with a sense of hopelessness that threatens to sink one into depression – and many end up there. But our loving God offers us  The Deal (vv. 1c-2). Jesus Christ, the righteous Son of God, is our  Advocate. An advocate stands alongside an accused person and pleads his case. We stand accused before God when we sin, and Satan gleefully points accusing fingers at us. But Christ comes alongside us and presents our defense. He is able to do that because he is the  Atonement for our sins. Sin makes God angry because it violates his holiness.

The penalty for that violation is death (Romans 6:23) – not just dying physically, it would not be so bad, if that is all it was – but eternal separation from God. Jesus had no sins of his own to pay for when he was hung on the cross, he is righteous. So in his death, he took our place (he became our substitute). He is able to stand before the Father and plead the case of anyone who has believed in him because he already took the punishment for us. 

It is good that we are offered forgiveness free, but we must not forget what it cost our Saviour. Next time you are tempted, remember Jesus dying on the cross.

Your Loving Pastor Chris.