Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 127th. Edition.
Dear Partakers of the New Covenant,
We conclude our discussion on suffering and unfair treatment on a positive note. In today’s passage (1 Peter 2:24-25) we see the positive outcome of a great injustice. While the Jewish leaders were ignoring their own system of justice to condemn Jesus to death, while Pilate was abdicating his responsibility as governor and therefore the arbitrator of justice and instead of surrendering Jesus to the mercy of a mob, something much greater was happening.
Sacrifice (v. 24). As the innocent Jesus was falling victim to evil designs, he was also fulfilling the prophecy of our redemption from bondage to sin, and the healing of souls stricken with spiritual sickness (Isaiah 53:4-5). Out of the greatest possible evil came the greatest good!
Shepherd (v. 25). Echoing the thought of the prophet Isaiah again (Isaiah 53:6), Peter carries the thought a little further and concludes that the stray sheep have returned to the Shepherd. God’s ultimate goal is the salvation of the lost and their restoration to his fold. Jesus’ death was tragic and evil, but it opened the door of the sheep pen to us lost sheep. Likewise, no suffering of God’s elect is in vain. In a small way, each of us contributes to the gathering of the lost sheep back to the Shepherd, who watches over our souls and theirs.
Look beyond suffering to the great harvest.
Your Loving Pastor Chris.