Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 134

Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 134th. Edition.

Dear Pilgrims and Sojourners,

Today’s passage (1 Peter 3:18) is triggered by the previous one, but it takes a different trajectory. The previous passage ends with the that it is better to suffer for doing good than evil. Today’s passage begins, “For Christ also suffered…” This is to remind the reader that someone else trod the path of suffering before. In other words, don’t be surprised.  Even Jesus suffered. But then Peter singles out the suffering of Christ as unique in its 

Completeness. Christ suffered “once for sins.” The Old Testament system required repeated sacrifices because the animals that were sacrificed were not equal to the people they were supposed to represent. The animal for sacrifice is a “vicar” (representative, substitute), but a proper substitute must be of equal value to the one it stands for. Animals are not equal to humans (sorry, animal lovers. You can still love an inferior, though). They therefore were an insufficient, temporary measure. Christ, on the other hand, is truly human (and also truly divine), so he could offer a fitting and satisfactory sacrifice that would suffice for all time. There would be no need for another sacrifice, ever again. 

Compliance. Jesus is just, who died for the unjust. The demands of justice are that since “The wages of sin is death,” sin must be paid for with death. But a sinner put to death would be no help to himself or to others because he would be receiving just payment for his own sins. A righteous person, as Christ was (and he, the only one who is righteous), can represent others, since he has no sins of his own to die for.  In this way, Christ fulfilled “the righteous requirement of the law” (Romans 8:4). 

Conversion. Christ died in order to bring us to God. This can only happen if we yield our lives to him and receive him as a savior. We have not appreciated the gospel if we have not turned to Christ for salvation. It is not enough to believe that he is the savior – even demons believe and tremble (James 2:19), remember? Don’t waste the grace of God, take a step of faith, and yield to Christ.  

Conquest. God by his Spirit raised Jesus from the dead. Because of this victory over death and evil, Christ is able to save us and give us real hope of eternal life. At the back of the mind is the exhortation, Don’t worry if you suffer, Christ also suffered but he triumphed over death, and in him, so shall we!

Your Loving Pastor Chris.