Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 136th. Edition.
Dear Saints,
In today’s passage (1 Peter 3:21-22) Peter continues on the path of developing themes from other themes. The deluge that destroyed all humanity was ironic, the means of salvation for Noah and his family. In a sense, Noah was not being saved from the flood but from the evil generation among whom he lived. But like many other Old Testament pictures, this one holds some rich
Symbolism (v. 21). Old Testament persons, objects, and events that foreshadow the same in the New Testament are called types. Here, the water of the flood, by which Noah is saved from his evil contemporaries, is a type of baptism in the New Testament. Peter is quick to point out that the value of baptism is not the outward washing of dirt. This may be a pointer to the possibility that even back then, baptism was misunderstood, as it often is, today. The value of baptism is not the outward washing but the inner attitude toward God. A person submits to baptism as an indication that he has repented of his sins and put his faith in Jesus. This is possible because Jesus rose from the dead, which baptism also symbolizes.
Submission (v. 22). This resurrection has given him authority over angels, authorities, and powers. When it is said that Christ is seated at the right hand of God (yet God does not have a hand, because he is spirit and spirit has no material form), it is symbolic of his authority and power. In monarchies, the crown prince is always seated at the right hand of the king. Any word or command from the crown prince is taken as coming from the throne. Our Jesus is Commander in Chief of the forces of heaven! When we have such a savior, we cannot be threatened by some earthly ruler or his agents.
He can only do what our heavenly king permits, so even the persecution Christians suffer has been permitted by God. Take courage, our God is in the driving seat.
Your Loving Pastor Chris.