Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 138th. Edition.
Dear Pilgrims and Sojourners,
In today’s passage (1 Peter 4:3-4) we continue with Peter’s now-familiar style of developing themes from other themes. From suffering has now developed the theme of purity from sinful lusts. Of these, he says that the time and energy expended in our past, before we came to Christ, is
Abandon (v. 3). A believer should not be caught sinking back into such ignominious practices. The reason for this is not stated here, because it ought to be obvious. Slavery to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:15) is not only contrary to God’s desire for his people, but it is also destructive. Sin is attractive but it always ruins the sinner, so let the past remain the past. Forsaking the sinful ways will
Astonish (v. 4) our former partners in a vice. The change that the Spirit of God affects in those who put their faith in Jesus can be so revolutionary that people will not believe it is the same person they knew before. But we should not expect them to acknowledge God’s work in our lives, because then, they would have to believe. Instead, they will speak evil of us! When people choose not to believe, not even a miraculous transformation of a sinner will convince them.
In order to continue in their unbelief and wickedness, they will heap scorn and malicious talk on us. But as we will see in the next passage, no one escapes God’s justice. Well, tomorrow, then.
Your Loving Pastor Chris.