Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Flock of AIC Ngong Road, in Dispersion and Isolation. 145th. Edition.
Dear People whose Names Are Written in the Book of Life,
In today’s passage (1 Peter 5:2-3) we continue with the theme of church leaders. Peter encourages the elders (and pastors, bishops, and overseers fall into this category) to shepherd the flock of God. He gives three contrasts, in each case, what not to do and also what to do.
Compulsion Versus Willingness (v. 2a). Some people enter into leadership because others expect them to. They have no desire to serve, but they don’t want to disappoint those rooting for them. We cannot serve effectively if the motivation does not come from within. Christian service often calls for sacrifices. It is not practical to make sacrifices only to impress or please. In the end, there is no joy in the service, so examine your motives.
Covetousness Versus Eagerness (v. 2b). There are others who are in the Lord’s service for the money. It goes without saying that the flock should support the shepherd (Galatians 6:6), but some people have taken advantage of the flock to enrich themselves. In their love of money, they also exploit the covetousness of the people. When the focus is material things and not the fruit of the Spirit, we come to God for the wrong reasons. When the preacher keeps talking about sowing and reaping, read between the lines – you sow, he reaps.
Master Versus Example (v. 3). Jesus set the bar for Christian leadership with his statement that “Even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Christian leadership is not an opportunity for us to showcase what we have that others do not, but rather the opportunity to set an example that they can follow and grow into what we have become.
We do not lead because we are better or superior but because we are granted the grace for leadership. Oppressive leadership is of the world and must be shunned by all who would represent Christ.
Are you a leader? How do you measure up?
Your Loving Pastor Chris.