A Unique Calling. Galatians 1:13-17.
Dear Royal Priesthood,
We continue with Paul’s defense of the gospel he preaches. He has clearly stated that no other version of the gospel is acceptable, whether from him, from another, whoever that other maybe, even an angel.
Paul now wants his readers to understand that he did not come naturally upon this gospel. He was for all intents and purposes
An Unlikely Candidate (vv. 13-14). If anyone had been told that the Saul at whose feet the witnesses against Stephen at his stoning laid their garments, who consented to the death of Stephen and who “made havoc of the church” with his persecution (Acts 7:58; 8:1, 3) would one day be willing to die for that same faith he so zealously opposed, one would have responded, “No way Jose!
Paul had opposed and persecuted the church and tried to destroy it because it was against the traditions he had held dear. He had immersed himself completely in the Jewish religion, traditions, and way of life to the extent of standing out among contemporaries.
A Unique Calling (vv. 15-16a). God’s grace is the means by which all are called. In a sense, we all only come because we are called. Jesus said, “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him” (John 6:44).
The calling of each of us is unique in that God draws each personally to himself, but Paul’s calling was especially so because he was called to preach Christ among the gentiles. The uniqueness of this calling is in contrast to the calling of the twelve, most of whom ministered to the Jewish community in and around Jerusalem.
An Unfamiliar Context (vv. 16b-17). Anyone would have expected Paul as a new convert to head to Jerusalem. That is where Pentecost happened, it is where the apostles were. It was the center of the Christian faith – or at least, that is what seemed to be the case.
But Arabia? That was in the middle of nowhere! Knowing that the authority of Paul would later be questioned by his detractors, God did not permit consultation with anyone, and especially not the apostles in Jerusalem. There was nothing wrong with the apostles. It is not a given that when God excludes people from his plan, it because they do not qualify, o because he is unhappy with them. No. Sometimes God wants to spare us unnecessary trouble from opponents. You can imagine the wonder of a diehard opponent of the faith going off to the desert and coming back after three years a great evangelist, fully versed in the gospel message. It would lend incredible authenticity to his preaching.
This should teach us two things, among others:1. Never write people off. 2. Do not expect God to deal with you or others according to a formula. The grace is the same, but the outworking of it is tailored to the individual. Just because Paul saw a bright light does not mean you will. You may be swallowed by a fish instead (no, sorry, that was Jonah). Expect your own unique experience.
Your Loving Pastor Chris.