Take Care. 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22.
Dear Chosen People,
As in most churches, the one in Thessalonica had its share of esoterics. It can be frustrating when people claim to speak for God, and more so when the speaker is not necessarily the most stable, emotionally. A few cautions are in order:
Do Not Douse… (v. 19). There is a sense in which the Holy Spirit is like a fire in us, causing us to burn for God and consume the realm of the enemy all around us. At Pentecost, “divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them” (Acts 2:3). The association of the Spirit with fire also has to do with the fact that fire can spread very quickly, where the conditions are right. A willingness to yield to God and let him lead as he wills is part of the right conditions. But it is easy to resist the work of the Spirit, and that is like pouring water on a fire to put it out.
Do not Despise… (v. 20). One way that we quench the fire of the Spirit is by despising prophecies. We are inclined to think that one who claims to speak for God is either deranged, lying or both because we have encountered so many false prophets. We should be careful not to throw the baby out with the bathwater, so,
Do not Dismiss… (v. 21). When someone claims to speak for God, we should put the prophecy to the test. There are simple rules that can help us determine what to make of a prophetic utterance:1. Is it in agreement with the word of God? If it contradicts the Bible, it is not from God. 2. Does it bring glory to God? If it glorifies the prophet, too bad, it is false. 3. Is it clear? If the prophecy does not make it clear what we ought to do in order to obey God, of what benefit is it? 4. Does it come true? Predictive prophecies must come true, exactly as prophesied. God is not 99% accurate. If it is not 100% accurate, it is false. 5. Does it add value? If a prophet simply repeats what is written in the Bible, why not simply read the Bible?
Do not Delve… (v. 22). We are of the kingdom of light and should have no dalliance with the things of darkness. One translation of this verse implies that we should “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (KJV). If it looks evil, run!
Your Loving Pastor Chris.