Gratitude. 2 Thessalonians 1:3-4.
Dear Children of the Most High,
Paul, as is his normal pattern, gives thanks to the Thessalonians. Paul always finds a reason for being thankful. It is an attitude we would do well to imitate. In this case, it is for their
Blossoming Faith (v. 3).Growth is a sign of health. When faith is growing, then it is healthy. Stagnation, on the other hand, is a sign of malaise and ill health. One main indication of the growing faith in the believers was their increasing mutual love. The Christian community is a family. The more we grow in our faith, the more should be our love for each other. When love is not growing, faith is not growing either.
Boastful Father (v. 4). Paul is a proud father. He boasts of the faith and steadfastness of the Thessalonian believers to other churches. This is not so that those other churches would be jealous, but so that they would be encouraged. This is because he was not growing in a comfortable environment. They were in the middle of persecution and affliction, yet their faith grew. Who led you to faith in Christ? Would your present spiritual state give them a reason to boast?
Your Loving Pastor Chris.