Quarantine Epistles

Quarantine Epistles 305

Proper Protocol.1 Timothy 5:1-2.
Do not rebuke an older man but encourage him as you would a father, younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, in all purity. 

Dear Servants of the Living God, 

We now turn to practical and administrative matters that Timothy was to see to. Key to the successful management of such issues is the proper handling of people and relationships. 

 Rebuke with Grace (v. 1). Often, we are placed in authority over people who are older. At some point, it may become necessary to point out wrong to one or another such person. In such a situation we must honor the person and avoid direct rebuke that may inadvertently belittle him. Instead, we are to use tact and “encourage” the person, the same way we would approach our own father. Even younger men, which would include age-mates, are to be treated with the same gentleness we would our brothers. Authority must not be used to put people down, even when they are in the wrong. 

Respect Gender (v. 2). Timothy is to treat older women as mothers and younger women as sisters. The phrase “in all purity” most likely applies to his relationship with the younger women. Impure attitude, motive, and behaviour toward the opposite sex have been the cause of the failure of many men of God and the collapse of their ministry. This obviously does not bar servants of God from romantic relationships, but such relationships must be governed by purity. What is true for ministers is true also for every believer. Our modern society has thrown caution to the wind and ignored God’s standards for sexual purity and propriety. Let us brace ourselves for trouble in our lives and relationships. There is no sin without a price tag. 

Your Loving Pastor Chris.