Guard the Truth of the Gospel.1 Timothy 6:20-21.
O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge, For by professing it some have swerved from the faith. Grace be with you.
Dear Aliens and Strangers in this World,
The conclusion to this letter echoes the concerns that Paul has expressed from the beginning about the purity of the gospel and the need to steer clear of falsehood.
Deposit (v. 20a). Timothy is urged to “guard the deposit.” This is none other than the truth of the gospel. Every believer has been entrusted with the gospel and must ensure that it remains as was received – true. But even more so is the case for leaders in general and teachers in particular. There can be no greater disservice to the Kingdom than for a teacher to perpetuate falsehood. Serious study of the word of God is of paramount importance.
Danger (v. 20b). False teaching was available for the taking in the form of some teaching about special knowledge. This was probably an early form of Gnosticism, a Greek philosophy that claimed special knowledge, that became prevalent in the second century. Whether that or some other claim to knowledge, it was contradictory and false. Every teaching that goes contrary to the gospel as taught in the word of God must be declared false.
Deviation (v. 21a). The result of dabbling in the false teaching is that some have veered from the faith. It is easy to get derailed if we do not maintain our focus. The gospel is not about us or making us superior to others. It is about Christ and how he rescues any sinner who comes to him. This truth is available to all. Anyone can commit to it.
Desire (v. 21b). Paul ends the letter the way he started it, by wishing Timothy grace. This is not just some absent-minded goodbye. The grace of God is what will enable Timothy to abide by what Paul has instructed. It is by grace that we obey and do what pleases God. Left to ourselves, the sinful nature will drive us to rebellion. Are you still trying? Quit trying and yield to Christ. Begin to experience the grace of God in your life.
Your Loving Pastor Chris.