Greetings. 2 Timothy 1:1-2.
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God according to the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus, To Timothy, my beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
Dear Ambassadors of the Heavenly King,
We begin our meditations in the final, known letter of Paul. He is about to be put to death, so there is an urgency to this letter, yet no sense of despair.
Calling (v. 1). Paul begins in his typical fashion by identifying himself as an apostle. He reiterates elsewhere that this is “by the will of God.” He then adds something that is unique to this letter, that he is an apostle “according to the promise of the life that is in Christ Jesus.” Put another way, his calling as an apostle is tied to the proclamation of the gospel. That may be obvious, but the fact that he states the obvious is significant, a reminder of how important his life’s mission, which is soon coming to an end, is. When God calls, he always has a mission for the one he calls.
Child (v. 2). Paul addresses Timothy as his “beloved child.” This is similar to the address in 1 Timothy, except that beloved substitutes for “in the faith.” This is a deliberate statement of affection, at a point where the opportunity to express it may not present itself again. The rest is typical of Paul and other New Testament writers – grace, the typical Greek greeting that now incorporates the grace of God; peace, the Hebrew greeting that now enjoins two members of the Trinity as the source of that peace, and mercy, an addition to the usual greeting that points us to a soft spot in God’s attitude toward sinful humanity. Have you experienced the saving grace and mercy of God yet?
Your Loving Pastor Chris.