Fatherhood. 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12. Dear Holy Nation, We saw earlier how Paul and his companions were gentle with the Thessalonians, like a nursing mother with her children (v. 7). Now Paul uses the metaphor of a father. Paternity (v. 11).In likening themselves to a father, Paul and his companions are provoking in the readers a familiar […]
Category: Quarantine Epistles
Quarantine Epistles 235
Self Reliance. 1 Thessalonians 2:9-10. Dear Royal Priesthood, We have seen so far that Paul and his companions extended love and compassion to a Thessalonian community that was under great threat from the enemies of the gospel. They went even further and waived their right to receive support from the Thessalonians. Here we see their commitment. […]
Quarantine Epistles 234
Affection. 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8. Saints of the Most High, Paul now turns his attention to his inner feelings for the Thessalonians. In this, he reveals that his motivation was not some kind of reward-based obedience. Rather, he was driven by love. Gentleness (v. 7).Probably because of the adversity the Thessalonians were facing, and which Paul himself […]
Quarantine Epistles 233
Sincerity.1 Thessalonians 2:5-6. Dear Family, Paul continues with the defense of his motives and those of his companions. He probably has a person or two in mind, who has carried himself in the manner Paul describes. He wants the Thessalonians to see that some people are driven by; Greed (v. 5).In order to disarm one, […]
Quarantine Epistles 232
Purity of Motive. 1 Thessalonians 2:3-4. Dear People of God, Paul offers a defense of his motives, probably because there were people in Thessalonica who were disparaging him and insinuating evil or selfish motives. On his motivation, he talks first about What it Is not (v. 3). Paul mentions three common, wrong motivations for those who […]
Quarantine Epistles 231
A Costly Investment. 1 Thessalonians 2:1-2. Dear Pilgrims and Sojourners, We continue with the thought that started in chapter one (1:5) in which Paul and his companions have demonstrated their sincerity and selflessness. Now he returns to the theme and brings in the angle of hardship. Success (v. 1). Paul declares that his visit to Thessalonica […]
Quarantine Epistles 230
A Valid Testimony. 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10. Dear Saints, We continue with the amazing story of the faith of the Thessalonian Christians, how others reported their exceptional commitment. Reception (v. 9a). Not much is reported about the Thessalonian Christians, except that among those who believed were Jews, many Greeks, and several “leading women” (Acts 17:1-4). But apparently, […]
Quarantine Epistles 229
Exemplary Faith. 1 Thessalonians 1:7-8. Dear Ambassadors of Christ, We saw in the previous passage how the Thessalonians received the word of God in the midst of persecution. Now we see how their faith set the pace for other believers. Example (v. 7). The Thessalonians were in the hotbed of radical Jewish activism in Macedonia, the […]
Quarantine Epistle 228
The Genuine Gospel.1 Thessalonians 1:5-6. Dear Aliens and Strangers in this World, In the previous passage, Paul expresses confidence that God has chosen the Thessalonians. This as we see in the passage we are meditating on today is because of the way the gospel was brought to them. Empowerment (v. 5). Speech. Paul and his […]
Quarantine Epistles 227
Cause to Be Thankful. 1 Thessalonians 1:3-4. Dear Family, Paul gave thanks to God for the Thessalonians in the previous passage. He now states why he is grateful. The three words he uses here, faith, love,e and hope are characteristic of Paul (see also 5:8; 1 Corinthians 13:13; Galatians 5:5-6). They are a way of saying […]