Quarantine Epistles 3

Pastor Chris’ Corona Quarantine Epistles to the Dispersed Flock of AIC Ngong Road, Third Edition.

My dear brothers and sisters,

Welcome to our Third edition of the “Corona Quarantine Epistles.” Yesterday, we looked at Psalm 121:1-2. Today, we meditate on verses 3&4.
In verse 3, the first part assures us that God will ensure a firm foothold for us, that we will not slip and fall. Picture yourself walking on a slippery surface. The danger of falling and injuring yourself is real. Do not fear, God has your back.

The rest of verse 3 and also verse 4 assures us of God’s un-distracted, uninterrupted attention to our safety. We can walk in the confidence that our God is alert and will not let anything happen to us that is not in his plan for our welfare. Does this mean that nothing bad will happen to us? Not necessarily. God allows a lot of bad things to happen. But he is in charge of times, seasons, and events, so he ensures that “All things work together for good, to those who love him.”

Yesterday ended with the first case of confirmed local transmission of the Coronavirus in Kenya. The irresponsible conduct of some people, who had been in countries with high Corona incidence – and this, unfortunately, includes a “man of the cloth,” means that the people at risk of having been infected are now in the thousands. How are we to respond to this disquieting news? Three important things:

1. Trust God and pray. As the young people would say, our God is “Ritho” (alert). God didn’t rouse from his afternoon nap to the news that Kenya’s situation has gone from cautious to critical. “He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” Pray with the confidence that nothing, repeat, nothing touches you unless God permits it.
2. Stay safe. Avoid unnecessary trips to places that other people frequent. Everyone is a suspect in this war. If you have to go to the shops, sit down and write down everything you will need for the next few days and avoid making multiple trips just to buy an item or two. “Touch nothing unclean.” All exposed surfaces – hands, shelves, rails, tables, counters, money, etc, must be treated as potential carriers. When you bring things home, don’t touch anything in the house. Leave shoes at the door, wash hands with soap and water, disinfect the door handle or wipe it with a cloth that you have daubed in Jik and wash everything that has waterproof packaging (you don’t know who touched it while it was on the shelf). Make sure you wash your hands frequently, don’t trust them. Avoid touching your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth. Disinfect your phone. Stay safe.
3. Protect others. Treat yourself as a suspected carrier. Don’t touch other people, shake hands or hug. If you have a cough, make sure you cough into a tissue and put it in the dust bin, then wash your hands, or cough into your elbow, and then wash your hands. If you had traveled before the compulsory quarantine imposition, please impose self-quarantine on yourself. If you are sharing the house with others, maintain your distance and keep a “joked” cloth handy to disinfect any surfaces you touch. If possible, isolate yourself in a room or section.

I leave you with the wonderful promise, “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all comfort will himself restore, establish and strengthen you,” 1 Peter 5:10.

Your loving pastor, Chris.